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Business Resources

Business Resources

Road construction can mean a different set of challenges for businesses, and WisDOT is here to help. This page provides guides, checklists and examples to help you manage your business as the I-41 Project is constructed.

If your business is directly impacted by a closure, submit a comment at the bottom of the page to connect with a project team member regarding temporary business signage opportunities.

Wisconsin Department of Transportation Logo and Federal Highway Administration Logo

Download the Quick Guide

Click here to download a pdf file.
Click here to download a pdf file.
Click here to download a pdf file.

Organize Early

  • Learn more about the project and its timeline
  • Develop questions for WisDOT staff
  • Check in with neighboring businesses and/or local business organization
  • Can you partner on promotions, events or materials?  
  • Establish a point of contact for the business community?

Stay Engaged with the Project

  • Attend public involvement meeting(s)
  • Make note of contact information for the project team, and voice the unique needs of your business
  • Learn more about project resources
  • Is there a construction website?
  • Is there a mailing list?
  • Is there an email distribution list?

Help Customers Find You

  • Consult with project staff to determine when and where there may be closures or detours
  • Ask about temporary signage options
  • Consider how best to inform customers
  • Maybe a joint communication with neighboring businesses for employees and customers about traffic and parking?
  • Maybe a feature article in a customer-facing newsletter?
  • Maybe a social media post shared by businesses and local community pages?

Develop and Activate Your Game Plan

  • Are there temporary changes to shift times, parking or deliveries?
  • Is there a consistent message for customers?

End of Construction

  • Stay positive, be flexible and know that WisDOT staff are available to help
  • Collect any temporary signage
  • Let customers know!
  • Consider working with other businesses on a special event
  • Share information on social media about the project’s benefits
  • Ask customers to help spread the word
Step 1 Marker
Step 2 Marker
Step 3 Marker
Step 4 Marker
Step 5 Marker

The Road Construction Guide

WisDOT recognizes that businesses located in roadway work zones have special needs, and their customers must have access and continue to visit during construction. WisDOT created the In This Together guide as an idea source to share tips and techniques to support your business during a highway construction. Use the arrows to click through the guide below.

Download the Program Guide

Click here to download a pdf file.
Click here to download a pdf file.
Click here to download a pdf file.
Cover Image of In This Together Guide: Road Construction Guide for Business; Planning ahead, staying informed, building community. Includes image of traffic cone and sign that says "Open for Business"

Table of Contents

Do you own or operate a business?

This guide is meant to help you prepare for WisDOT improvement work. WisDOT's state highway and Local Program projects are meant to improve connectivity and safety. The department appreciates that there are many types of businesses statewide, from those competing for foot traffic in bustling neighborhoods to the supper clubs, hotels and attractions that, alone, serve as roadside destinations. No matter what your business is, who it serves or where it is located, we hope the resources in this guide provide food for thought and inspire productive interactions during project planning and construction.


Preparation Roadmap

Working With Work Zones

Getting Organized

Road to Success Checklist

Navigating Work Zones

How It’s Done

End of Construction

WisDOT Project Information Resources

Lifecycle of a Transportation Project

Additional Business Resources


Dear Business Owners,

Thank you for your many contributions to Wisconsin’s economy and quality of life.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation works hard to develop and maintain the quality infrastructure you deserve to effectively move goods, deliver services and bring in customers. WisDOT understands that improvement projects can create logistical challenges for businesses of all shapes and sizes, and that these challenges can vary depending on the location and nature of a business. In some cases, businesses are clustered near project sites while other times, the businesses themselves stand alone as roadside destinations.

We call this program “In This Together” because department planners and engineers are passionate about working with project stakeholders to reduce or eliminate impacts that could occur during construction. Your business adds value to any highway improvement, and community partnerships matter greatly to the work that we do. We want you, the business owner, to have a firm understanding of what’s happening, why it’s happening and what the future looks like for any project that has potential to impact your business.

Ideally, this guide will serve as a springboard for productive discussions among WisDOT staff and the business community. So, please take some time to review this information. We hope you find these sources, descriptions and examples to be insightful and helpful.

To your success,
Craig Thompson
Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Transportation


Dear Business Owners,

Thank you for your many contributions to Wisconsin’s economy and quality of life.

The Wisconsin Department of Transportation works hard to develop and maintain the quality infrastructure you deserve to effectively move goods, deliver services and bring in customers. WisDOT understands that improvement projects can create logistical challenges for businesses of all shapes and sizes, and that these challenges can vary depending on the location and nature of a business. In some cases, businesses are clustered near project sites while other times, the businesses themselves stand alone as roadside destinations.

We call this program “In This Together” because department planners and engineers are passionate about working with project stakeholders to reduce or eliminate impacts that could occur during construction. Your business adds value to any highway improvement, and community partnerships matter greatly to the work that we do. We want you, the business owner, to have a firm understanding of what’s happening, why it’s happening and what the future looks like for any project that has potential to impact your business.

Ideally, this guide will serve as a springboard for productive discussions among WisDOT staff and the business community. So, please take some time to review this information. We hope you find these sources, descriptions and examples to be insightful and helpful.

To your success,
Craig Thompson
Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Transportation

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